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This 7 Color Led Face Mask is a revolutionary facialtreatment that can enhance your skin's health and give ita youthful glow. Key Features:Uses seven differentcolors of LED lights to target various skin concernsLight and comfortable to wear - Easy to use withadjustable straps and intuitive control buttons With thisLED face mask, you can enjoy the benefits of lighttherapy in the comfort of your own home. The maskemits red, blue, green, purple, cyan, yellow and whitelight that targets different skin issues such as acne orwrinkles. The mask is easy to use with its adjustablestraps and intuitive control buttons. Simply choose thecolor you want based on your needs or preferences. Thisfacial treatment uses non-invasive technology thatdoesn't require any downtime or recovery period. lt canbe used by anyone who wants healthier-looking skinwithout having to go through invasive procedures. Try this 7 Color Led Face Mask today for a rejuvenatedcomplexion!